HIRRS operates residences in which individuals live full-time. All housing units are located in Montgomery County and include spacious single family houses and centrally located apartments. Each home serves three individuals and each person has their own room. A vehicle is dedicated to each home for individual transportation to and from day activities and planned weekend activities.
HIRRS clients are supported and supervised as needed during the afternoon, evenings, overnight and early morning to assist individuals in completing tasks, learning skills or preparing for the next day's activities. Staff are certified with the Maryland Board of Nursing as CMTs and are trained in First Aid and CPR. Additionally, staff receive annual training related to caring for individuals with disabilities and brain injury.
Individuals living in the HIRRS residences generally expect to be there for at least a year or longer, although the level of services required may change. HIRRS makes every attempt to help individuals to continue living in the community with the highest level of independence and fulfillment possible.

HIRRS has a respite bed located in Silver Spring. Respite Services provide occasional, short-term temporary physical and emotional relief to family caring for adults with neurological impairment. For more information about these services, contact Maggie Hunter at (301) 309-2228 or email your questions to